SOC-ORAEYC For Families

For more information about family memberships to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, including newsletters and other helpful information please go to

    Resources for Families
  • The Family Connection is the Jackson and Josephine County, Oregon Parenting Education Hub.  In collaboration with partnering community organizations the hub organizes parenting classes within the communities.  In addition to parenting classes, the calendar on the hub website has information about many other parenting and family opportunities and events that are being offered (many for free!)  go to
  • Vroom is a free app for your mobile phone or computer. The app has many different activities that you can do without any special materials to help build your child’s brain.  The activities can come up as a reminder each day or you can self-select the activities based on what your needs are at the moment.  We have all had moments with our children when they are bored waiting in line at the grocery store- this app has age appropriate answers for you and they are fun!  The app is geared towards parents of children ages 0-5.  Go to for your free app!