For Professionals


Oregon Statewide Scholarship Program, through the Oregon Center for Career Development,
supports the growth of quality child care in Oregon. With funds from the Oregon Community Foundation’s Betty Gray Early Childhood Development Endowment Fund, the Betty Gray Scholarship Program provides financial support for training and education for providers working in family child care, center child care, Head Start, and before/after school programs.

Oregon’s Family Child Care Scholarship supports professional development for Oregon’s Registered Family and Certified Family Child Care providers.

In addition the recent addition of the Early Learning Degree Pathway Scholarship is for individuals to obtain an Early Childhood Education (ECE) specific college certificate or degree from an Oregon Community College or public Oregon university, or to evaluate a degree obtained outside of the US.






Our Chapter is comprised of early learning professionals in Jackson and Josephine Counties. We sponsor the annual Winter Together for Children Conference each February in Medford, OR. Interested in membership? Contact Rebecca Tree at [email protected].


Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children (ORAEYC)
was first established in the 1940’s and today has over 1000 members, 10 local chapters or councils, a budget over $200,000, and two part-time employees in an office established in 1996. Sara Stearns serves as Executive Director. OregonAEYC continues to offer member updates in print or electronic form, a library of over 175 educational videos, a lending library of books, and access to the numerous workshops and educational opportunities. OregonAEYC sponsors the annual “Week of the Young Child” each Spring. They present conferences, cohort trainings and small teaching sessions throughout Oregon. OregonAEYC remains committed to supporting those who work for the education and needs of children from birth through age eight.



National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. NAEYC advances a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.


Oregon’s Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS)
is a program that raises the quality and consistency of child care and early learning programs across the state. The Quality Rating System recognizes, rewards and builds on what early learning and development programs are already doing well. It helps ensure children in QRIS programs are ready for kindergarten by connecting programs and providers with free tools, financial incentives and professional advice that they can put into practice with confidence.



Oregon Registry Online
The Oregon Registry Online (ORO) functions like a savings account. Professional’s training and education is “deposited” into an account (via myORO). Like a bank account, on a regular basis professionals can login to myORO to access their professional development records. This information will help with planning future training and education needs. Visit the site and create an account. The site can use the recorded  professional development summary to: check that a professional has met Office of Child Care Licensing training requirements or request that trainings be evaluated for a higher Oregon Registry Step 3 through 12.



career development

Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care and Education (OCCD)
provides leadership in the development and operation of integrated and statewide professional development standards and systems. OCCD promotes professional development to achieve high quality care and education for children and youth, and creates and supports training and education.




Southern Oregon Early Learning Services Hub
Southern Oregon Early Learning Services (SOELS) is one of 16 Early Learning Hubs across the state of Oregon that are working to make resources and supports more available, more accessible and more effective for children and families that have historically been overrepresented in the opportunity gap and underrepresented in services. Each Hub identifies the underserved children in their region, evaluates the needs of those children and families, and then works to ensure that programs and services reach them and effectively meet their needs.  Hubs are building outcomes-focused collaborations across K-12 schools, early education, health, human services and business.  Southern Oregon Early Learning Services Hub is a community focused, and a community service led, organization committed to changing that. Recognizing the need to begin at birth, the many organizations that make up the Hub are working together to reach 3 common goals: 1) Children are raised in healthy, stable, and attached families; 2) Children are supported to enter Kindergarten ready to learn; 3) Regional early childhood systems are aligned, coordinated, and family-centric.



southern oregon success

Southern Oregon Success
is a collection of organizations committed to the success of the children, youth, and families of Jackson and Josephine Counties, from preconception to age 24


week of the youny child

Week of the Young Child
is an annual celebration hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) celebrating early learning, young children, their teachers and families.


Department of Early Learning and Care


Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC)

The mission of the Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) is to foster coordinated, culturally appropriate and family-centered services that recognize and respect the needs of all children, families and early learning and care professionals. Our vision is that children, families, early care and education professionals and communities are supported and empowered to thrive.